The Best Automatic Transmission Advice You Probably Aren’t Taking When you take your vehicle in for a repair or an oil change, one thing you might have heard from your mechanic or service advisor is that you should consider an automatic transmission service. Chances are that you shook your head and said something like, “Maybe […]
Question: I was reading an article recently that said changing my oil every 3,000 miles is an outdated idea that costs me more money and is bad for the environment. According to the article, today’s oils can go 5,000 miles or more and I should look at my owner’s manual to see how often the […]
Your car is likely your pride and joy. Keeping it that way requires regular servicing, and some proactive maintenance. One thing that a lot of people forget about is their tires. They think that since tires don’t have moving parts, they are not going to need that much attention. When really tires are moving parts […]
Do you change your oil every 3,000 miles? The majority of drivers on the road have been bombarded by advertising that recommends changing their car’s oil every 3,000 miles, but the truth is that interval is no longer really necessary. Yes, engine oil does get dirty, and when that happens, it can clog engine parts, […]
One of the most important aspects of car care is the timely changing of a car’s engine oil. Your car engine is a complex piece of machinery made up of thousands of different moving parts. The oil helps keep them lubricated while preventing the wear and tear of your car’s vital components. However, over time, […]
In order to protect the life of your car and its engine, car owners must change the oil and oil filter regularly. Luckily, when it comes to car maintenance, oil changes are quick and inexpensive. You can even do it yourself for those of you who enjoy getting your hands dirty and take pride in […]