This is a repair of your Ford Super Duty fuel injection control module in case of no start / rough start or error code P0611.
This error code can also cause low voltage on the injectors, causing codes: P0261, P0264, P0267, P0270, P0273, P0276, P0279, P0282.
You have a problem with your truck starting out incredibly rough, it runs poorly until it warms up. If so, it sounds like a FICM problem. What is causing this is most likely a low voltage on the FICM, this can cause them to go bad.
This service fixes 99% of all failures in the FICM.
This list is intended for one FICM rework, which consists of the following. We will conduct a full inspection of the boards and components. Identify and repair any common faulty solder joints. Clean the board and its components. Stacking large components to prevent this from happening again. Final quality check and reassembly. Finally, we will return it to you.
Our technical specialists will qualitatively repair your units at a much lower price than the competitors.
You will need to remove the faulty Ford Diesel Ficm Unit and send it to us. Please Include your name, return address, and phone number. Include a copy of the invoice requiredin the package with the Ford Diesel FICM Repair.
How to remove FICM?
Disconnect the batteries first. The FICM is usually located on the side of the coolant overflow tank.
- After letting the engine cool, remove and reinstall the reservoir cap to eliminate any built up coolant pressure.
- Remove the two bolts holding the reservoir in place.
- Using a plier, remove the hose clamp on the upper portion of the reservoir that is on the passenger side of the reservoir near the top. Set the hose aside, pointing it upwards to avoid coolant loss. Pull reservoir as far to the driver’s side as possible to provide FICM screw access.
The Next Steps for Ford Diesel Ficm Repair
Notice that there are four bolts holding the FICM in place. Remove these and then lift up on the FICM. There are 3 wiring harness plugs. First, push the plugs IN to relieve any pressure against the clips. Then, squeeze each plug one at a time one on the long edges and then pull these plugs straight down to get them out. The two bolts on the front are 10mm. The two in the back are difficult to see, but are 8mm.