Tag Archives: car

The Dog Days of Summer

The Dog Days of Summer

When you head up to the cabin or over to grandma and grandpa’s, it is hard to leave your canine companion at home; so why not bring them along? You may think this will add stress to the trip, but bringing your dog along can be simple with these simple steps: Do not let your […]

National Car Care Month

National Car Care Month

Can you believe it’s already April? Not only does this month bring warming temperatures and plenty of rain, it is also deemed National Car Care Month. The purpose of this holiday is to make sure your vehicle has been properly inspected and maintained. If you can’t remember the last time you had your vehicle checked […]

5 Reasons to Pull Over

5 Reasons to Pull Over

Many of us have the “I am a great driver and can handle anything” attitude, but no matter how good of a driver you are there are some situations that may occur in the car that you just can’t handle. The following are reasons you should absolutely pull over while driving. You dropped something. This […]

Avoid A Break-In

Avoid A Break-In

Never leave laptops or other items of value out in the open in your car when you leave it parked somewhere. Even if you leave your car in the parking lot “for just a minute,” that is plenty of time for a burglar to break in and take any valuables you may have inside. Even […]